Grams Performance - 1000cc Fuel Injectors
Grams Performance - 1000cc Fuel Injectors
Category: Fuel InjectorsVendor: Grams Performance
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An engine’s fuel injectors perform a vital role in the accurate metering and atomization of fuel. Grams Performance accomplishes this with its high-impedance Bosch EV14 fuel injectors that are modified for high-performance use. Each injector is individually balanced, flow tested, and dynamically matched for characterization within one percent of each other.
The EV14 injector’s superior ball/pintle valves combine with Grams Performance precision-modified nozzles allow for consistent performance up to 118 psi, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, yet without exhibiting any of the high-pressure problems often associated with other injectors. The optimized spray pattern also helps improve mixture preparation as well as atomization. Grams Performance injectors are cold cut with diamond grinders in less than three seconds for high performance with pre-seating. Abrasive cutting creates heat, which leads to poor spray patterns and the need for competitors to pre-seat their injectors to reduce distortion. Each injector is also fitted with high-quality Viton O-rings that are resistant to extreme temperatures and harmful oils found in some fuels.
Each injector set includes dead time compensation values to help ensure consistent air/fuel ratios and optimal performance when tuning. Grams Performance Fuel Injectors are carefully tested and matched in controlled laboratory environments using state-of-the-art equipment and are subjected to rigorous dyno, street, and racetrack testing to ensure proper performance in the most extreme conditions.
• 1000cc 95 lbs/hr @ 3 Bar
• High-impedance design (no resistor box required)
• Cold-machined tips for high-precision operation
• Ultra-fast solenoids for precise fuel metering
• Linear response across wide range of operating conditions
• All injectors balanced, blueprinted, and matched within one percent
• Compatible with all known fuels including gasoline, methanol, and ethanol
• Unmatched cylinder-to-cylinder consistency and optimal idle quality
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![Grams Performance - 1000cc Fuel Injectors](
![Grams Performance - 1000cc Fuel Injectors](
![Grams Performance - 1000cc Fuel Injectors](
![Grams Performance - 1000cc Fuel Injectors](